Saturday, September 20, 2008

No Class Reunion Please

Those e-mails from outfits like or do a great job of teasing you into signing up to see which of your old classmates have joined the group.  That's free.  Then they will put you in touch with those old buddies/sweethearts or whatever for a fee that's not cheap.  Thanks, but no thanks.  I am envious of old people who have fond  memories of  high school activities, relationships and general "Happy Days" type nostalgia and who look forward to meeting with classmates from 50 or more years ago to reminisce about it all.  I don't care to be reminded of what a young fool I was or of the terrible possibility that I'm now an old one. 


  1. hahaha...I has only been 25 years for me but I feel exactly as you do

  2. Thanks for hanging around, Ms. Silver. I figure you are about half my age, so you have another 40 years to be foolish.  Won't that be fun!  Watch them mail boxes.

  3. No new dents or scratches lately-I'm just going to use that my eye sight is bad, need new glasses or something if another mailbox jumps out in front of me!
