Saturday, December 15, 2012

New Year, new blog

Time for a change again.  "Geriatric Obstreperousness," one of my former titles for this here silly blog,  is a great phrase for us word freaks who love words for their own sake even if they don't mean anything to the somewhat more "normal" folks. So who wants to be normal.

Anyway, I think it will become Paul's Peculiar Pronouncements.  Will that work?  OK, so my name is not really Paul Barbour.  The moniker my parents hung on me is no big secret.  I rather like it.  I just like Paul Barbour better.  Yes, it must have that "U" in the spelling.  You might guess where I found that name if you are a hundred years old like me. 

Does anybody care?  Who cares if anybody cares.  We blog because we must. Or possibly because we are too old to do anything else. Blogs and e-mail, forsaken by the young because they are old fashioned and slow, are a great thing for us geezers who don't need the immediacy and brevity of Facebook and twitter.  I do get on Facebook, just to write goofy stuff to amuse my grandkids. Onward and upward.  Or maybe sideways.  Whatever.  Farting around and having fun is what it's all about.

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