Saturday, December 28, 2013


You would like to look smarter, wiser and more educated than you really are? First of all, you need to know a little bit about a lot of things.  (Please imagine that Peggy Lee is singing "I know a little bit about a lot of things but I don't know enough about you.) You don't need in depth knowledge about anything.
You do this by being a keen observer and a good listener. When with others, let them talk while you listen. You can pick up all kinds of valued tidbits.  It helps if you present a demeanor that shows you absorbing, processing and filing it all for use later when you finally do honor the world with a memorable and profound pronouncement.
Finally, and extremely important. you must have a way with words.  If you can write and speak in a manner that sounds like you really know what you are talking about, you are in!
So am I suggesting that style is to be valued over substance?  Of course. Politicians, preachers,  performers and all manner of public figures know it. I know it.  It works every time.

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