Monday, April 13, 2015

FB, Twitter, Blog ...whatever

I write 5 blogs, each about a particular special interest except this one that's for stuff that doesn't fit in the others. Most of the nearly 700 posts have not been read by anybody but me.  I'm on Facebook every day.  There's a twitter account but I don't use it. Not my style.
Very personal opinion about it all: We live in an era of instant communication and gratification.  That's what Facebook, Twitter and similar sites do very well. Facebook is for shoot-from-the-hip, off the top of your head things you need to say, including things you would not dare say in person because you might get punched in the nose.  Or worse.
Blogs are longer, generally thoughtful and creative.  I find that many are true works of art. Apparently Facebookers don't have the time or inclination to produce blogs. I know people who could write beautiful and interesting blogs but they simply don't have time.
The downside of blogging is that one or two people at most are likely to read my gems of the blogosphere. So I write them for me, because I need to. I write silly things on Facebook to get reaction.  It's fun but not satisfying like crafting a good blog.
I push the "next blog" button almost every day and run across some good ones that I bookmark. For special interests I just google "blogs about _____."

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