Thursday, September 24, 2015

Blogophilia. Blogomania. Whatever.

Is there a record number of blogs or posts generated by one crazy blogger?  My 5 blogs with close to 800 posts is not likely one for the books. I wonder who the winner is? Trouble with blogs is, unless you are signed up with the blog site that a given blog is on, it's more trouble than it's worth to comment.  Therefore I can dream that thousands ... hey, millions,  are reading me.  OK? Geez, what a responsibility.
Let's see.  What should I blogophize about today.  I forgot already.  I think I am on Facebook.  Was yesterday anyway.  I amused myself pretty good.  

Here is a nice photo from my death blog. Death blog?  Why not??

From blog  # 5.  I think.  I hope. Cool Caddy. 
1940.  My era.

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